
Baapichi – Abdul Salam

We lost Baapichi 40 days ago today. We lost him many years ago to Alzheimer’s. Baapichi, as we call him, has and will always be a father figure to me and I will always be his naughtiest child. I credit him with a lot of positives in my life, From tempering my Aapa to the way he weaved his stories that I cherish, Baapichi will forever play an irreplaceable part of our lives. Watching this man who could shoulder the weight of the world wither away to that awful disease was one of the hardest things to do. This poem was written shortly after he passed but I couldn’t bring myself to put it out there until this morning.

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Regret: A Short Story

Regret: A Short Story

I woke up around 4am. My pillow showed signs of dried tears, someone had probably cried a lot last night. I smirked at the pillow, today was a new day. Today was a new start. I stood on my balcony and smiled as the sunrays kissed my skin. I smiled at the birds that flew in the beautiful morning sky.
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The Present: A Short Story

The Present: A Short Story

She sat on her balcony watching the rain fall. She was lost in thought. It had been a week since she had talked to him. A week since he had called or texted. She had given up waiting two days ago and had sent him around a hundred messages and had tried calling him even more, His phone remained switched off. “Crazy Guy” was how his name was saved on her phone.

She was worried now. She had known him for eight years. He loved her for all eight of them. She’d fallen for him for the last three. She had let him in for a month, opened her heart out to him, she didn’t know how or why. Then she built up that wall against him in her head, again not knowing the reason. He loved her, always wearing a smile on his face, never showing the tears he was crying inside every time she pushed him away, never giving up.

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